
Battle for naboo rom wont work
Battle for naboo rom wont work

battle for naboo rom wont work

I'll have to give these a big, fat zero out of five. Maybe this lot are just defective somehow, but if these are the Peeps I've heard so much about over the years, colour me disappointed. Unfortunately, they also taste like freaking disinfectant. Texture-wise, I thought the gritty sugar coating and the marshmallow interior of these worked surprisingly well together, and they look great. This coating might get lost in the mix, but that's infinitely preferable to tasting the crud on the outside of the regular ones. Out of the two versions of these I tried though, these are definitely the ones to go for. The filling overpowers the white chocolate flavour to the point where it might as well not be there, which is a pity. That should be a recipe for success, but I just didn't think the two worked well together. These are almost exactly what you'd expect, with the same filling as the regular ones, but with a white chocolate coating that's actually pretty tasty this time. I'll give these a three out of five for the filling and nothing for the chocolate. It reminds a lot of the cruddy chocolate and raspberry icing on those awful Demon Slices last year. It's got a very artificial, over-sweet flavour with a weirdly chewy texture. The chocolate coating though, is kind of nasty. Quite liked the filling in these it was exactly the sweet, but slightly salty peanut flavour I was hoping for, with a nice mix of smooth and crunchy textures.

battle for naboo rom wont work

*gets shot* I'll give a three out of five for the two candies I liked, and hey, even the blandish pumpkin is decent, unlike the Mayfair Mellocremes. Running through the candies: There's a brown, chocolate-flavoured bat that's easily the worst, least convincing chocolate flavoured thing featured in this part There's a fairly bland orange-coloured pumpkin that I'm assuming is supposed to be candy corn flavoured There's a yellow-coloured moon, with your typical fake banana flavour, which I'm actually quite a fan of for some weird reason And finally, there's a toffee flavoured, and coloured bundle of wheat, which I was quite a fan of. In here we have four Fall-themed caidies made from the same stuff as candy corn, which I suppose is mellowcreme, to get technical. Hands down, the best candy corn I got with this order, and well worth your time checking out. 1/5īrach's Milk Maid Caramel Apple Candy Cornįrom the initial hit of tangy apple to the rich caramel flavour that follows, these taste freaking fantastic.

battle for naboo rom wont work

This may not taste terrible, but it's extremely bland, which surprises me given that this seems to be made by the same people as the candy corn above. Of the three bags of candy corn here, this is the only one I didn't like.


Not that I'm complaining though this was great, and I'd almost consider giving it full marks if it hadn't been for the amazing candy corn lurking a little deeper in the box. Imagine my surprise when I popped one in my mouth and discovered something in taste and consistency that's pretty close to a fudge. 4/5Īnd that's where I'd be wrapping things up, if I hadn't taken the likelihood of this happening as an opportunity to do something dumb I've wanted to do for a long time: take this feature to it's logical, inevitable conclusion by ordering this big, €50 box of American candy for the occasion.Įverything I kew about American candy is wrong! For some reason I always thought candy corn would be a hard candy that probably tasted a lot like barley sugar. Tasty flavours all round, and I think the two slightly different types of candy compliment each other nicely. In here we've got gummy orange and blackcurrant ghosts, as well as softer vanilla-flavoured ones.

battle for naboo rom wont work

Well, this was it as far as new, locally-available candy went. The situation could have been dire, but this time I had a back-up plan - a terrible, terrible back-up plan. Unfortunately, all I managed to find was a couple of bags of Haribos, only one of which I hadn't seen before. I was on the candy beat in a couple of different stores, on multiple occasions. While I struggled to put together last year's feature, given how little Halloween candy I was able to turn up, this year should have been different.

Battle for naboo rom wont work