? "hashes":, An ordered array representing the set of additional hashes required to reach a hash in the Merkle tree specified in the manifest from leaf-most (peer of this node) to root-most (child of node in manifest). "location": int, Zero-based index into the leaf-most Merkle tree row corresponding to this 'mdat' box or portion of this 'mdat' box "localId": int, A local id indicating which 'mdat' box this entry pertains to. "uniqueId": int, A unique integer used to differentiate local ids a portion of an 'mdat' box when a Merkle tree is used", The data structure used to store sufficient information to validate a single 'mdat' box or ? "Sec-CH-UA":, A human readable string naming the claim_generator ? "claim_generator_hints": generator-hints-map, size (1.max-tstr-length), A string identifying the algorithm used to compute all soft binding assertions listed in this claim unless otherwise overridden, taken from the C2PA soft binding algorithm identifier registry." This provides the value for the 'alg' field in data-hash and hashed-uri structures contained in this claim size (1.max-tstr-length), A string identifying the cryptographic hash algorithm used to compute all data hash assertions listed in this claim unless otherwise overridden, taken from the C2PA data hash algorithm identifier registry. ? "redacted_assertions":, List of hashed URI references to the assertions of ingredient manifests being redacted size (1.max-tstr-length), name of the asset, size (1.max-tstr-length), uniquely identifies a specific version of an asset

"dc:format": tstr, media type of the asset "signature": jumbf-uri-type, JUMBF URI reference to the signature of this claim
"claim_generator": tstr, A User-Agent string formatted as per, for including the name and version of the claims generator that created the claim "description": "CBOR byte string containing the hash value"

If no value is present in any of these places, this structure is invalid there is no default." If both are present, the field in this structure is used. If this field is absent, the hash algorithm is taken from an enclosing structure as defined by that structure. "description": "A string identifying the cryptographic hash algorithm used to compute all hashes in this claim, taken from the C2PA hash algorithm identifier list. "description": "The data structure used to store a reference to a local URL and its hash", Recursively Validating Integrity of Ingredients Validate the Credential Revocation Information Embedding a Reference to the Active Manifest