
The matrix path of neo jack thompson
The matrix path of neo jack thompson

the matrix path of neo jack thompson

  • Trinity visits the Oracle who tells her that she will fall in love with The One.
  • Trinity becomes First Mate of the Nebuchadnezzar and other crewmembers join.
  • Ghost and Trinity develop a close, brother-sister relationship.
  • Ghost is freed from the Matrix on the same day as Trinity.
  • Morpheus becomes Captain of the Hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar and frees Trinity from the Matrix.
  • the matrix path of neo jack thompson

    Morpheus visits the Oracle who tells him that he will find The One.The surviving grain stockpiles are rationed out twice a year at at Bread Feast in his memory. After many years the secret grain farms on the surface are attacked and Geoffrey is killed. He starts producing real baked goods, which become a treasured luxury in Zion. The entire team is attacked and slaughtered except for Geoffrey, who survives and returns to Zion. They find an abandoned university town and discovers a seed depository. A man named Geoffrey leads a team of five people from Zion to find wheat in the Real World. The Matrix is rebooted for the seventh time: after two Matrix beta versions, and five cycles of the main version, resulting in essentially "Matrix 3.5" (counting starts at "Matrix 3.0").The Fifth One frees another set of humans from the Matrix and founds the sixth "Zion" (which they think is the first and only Zion).The One chooses 23 individuals from the Matrix to build a fifth ZionĢ7 th and 28 th centuries 2599–2699.Zion is destroyed for the fourth time, after a seventy two hour defense.The fifth One appears, follows his intended path and meets The Architect.The Matrix is rebooted for the fifth time.The One chooses 23 individuals from the Matrix to build a fourth Zion.The fourth One appears, follows his intended path and meets The Architect.The Matrix is rebooted for the fourth time.The One chooses 23 individuals from the Matrix to build a third Zion.The third One appears, follows his intended path and meets The Architect.The Matrix and Zion continue for approximately one hundred years.The Matrix is rebooted for the third time.Deviant and useless programs set for deletion choose to hide with The Merovingian.Other programs deviate from their parameters or are no longer necessary due to the One cycle.The One chooses 23 individuals from the Matrix to build a second Zion.

    the matrix path of neo jack thompson

    The One makes the logical choice to save humanity.The second One appears, follows his intended path and meets The Architect.The experiments with the Machines result in disaster.Humans begin experimenting with turning Machines into allies.Glitches occur within the Matrix and are eliminated.


  • The Agents ensure that the professional athlete stays in the Matrix.
  • A professional athlete Dan Davis breaks a world record and attempts to self-substantiate.
  • The Matrix continues for approximately one hundred years.
  • The One dies The Oracle prophesies his return.

  • The free humans hide from the Machines in an underground city that they name Zion.
  • The One self substantiates and begins freeing other humans.
  • A human is born inside the Matrix with the ability to change what he wanted, to remake the Matrix as he sees fit.
  • The Architect begins numbering the Matrixes from the emergence of the One, with this being labeled the "First Matrix".
  • The cycle of the One is developed and implemented.
  • The Matrix is redesigned as a late 20 th Century Mega City.
  • The Oracle solves the problem of choice.
  • The Nightmare Matrix fails because of its excessive suffering and lack of choice.
  • The Architect redesigns the Matrix as a grotesque, hellish nightmare.
  • Persephone is exiled along with the Merovingian and is bound to him as his wife.
  • The Merovingian is set to be deleted, but refuses and returns to the Matrix to go into exile.
  • The Paradise Matrix fails because of its perfection and lack of choice.
  • In order to pacify the humans, The Architect designs the Paradise Matrix as a perfect Utopian paradise.
  • Note : The Following Dates are based on Speculation

    the matrix path of neo jack thompson

  • The single AI spawns an entire race of Machines.
  • Mankind is united in celebration as it develops the first Artificial Intelligence.
  • Mankind at the peak of human civilization.
  • 2759 - Between Revolutions & ResurrectionsĢ0 th, 21 st and 22 nd centuries Circa 1985–2025

    The matrix path of neo jack thompson